Age discrimination is unlawful in the workplace – workers simply cannot be discriminated against because of their age. This protection also extends to job applicants and trainees. Such discrimination can occur in many ways - such as through a policy which indirectly disadvantages a particular age group, or through using age as a reason not to recruit an individual. The protection extends to young and old – any worker is protected from age being used as criteria for such matters as training, promotion and recruitment, unless this can be justified in some, limited way.

Employers should ensure that they do not act in a discriminatory manner and should have policies in place that they do not do so, even inadvertently.

It is open to an employee who has been discriminated against on the basis of age to raise an employment tribunal claim. Generally, it is sensible to raise such matters with your employer first and we can advise you on how you may wish to go about doing so. If the matter requires to be dealt with before an Employment Tribunal then our employment lawyers at Employment Law Aberdeen have significant experience of such matters.

Contact Us 

Contact us today on 01224 039 191 or complete our online enquiry form for advice on age discrimination in the workplace.

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